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Webinar: The State of Modern Data Architectures

Anyone who’s seen FirstMark’s Matt Turck’s MAD landscape is wondering when sanity will be restored to the data and analytics vendor sprawl. We’re sorry to bear bad news, but you ain’t seen nothing yet! The thirst for data to unlock untapped opportunities and insights in cost-efficient ways has grown to the point where companies are now searching for entirely new data solutions. As a result, the data technology landscape has grown bigger than ever with innovative companies working endlessly to quench that thirst. Whether you are managing operational data, data analytics or creating new data pipelines, you know that change is required to keep up with the growing demand. Modern data architectures and patterns provide a new hope.

Speaking @ Incorta | The Last Mile to Data Mesh: Enabling Real-Time Operational Analytics

Could the “Data Mesh” finally solve age-old challenges in the analytics world? The promise of domain-specific insights with baked-in governance sounds fantastic. Organizations can spend ...
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Webinar: Data Catalogs CDO TechVent – Eckerson Group Special Virtual Event

Sanjeev Mohan shares the state of the union for data catalogs in his keynote address. He also provides an evaluation criteria to select data catalogs.
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